Monday, November 14, 2016

Math Stairs and Todd Parr

Today we "met" Todd Parr.  Todd Parr is one of my favorite authors and illustrators.  His book teach us all to be who we are, that it's okay to be different and the importance of being kind.  It's important for children to see themselves as readers and writers and to find mentors in the book we read.  Todd Parr's books are not only relatable for children but pass on some amazing messages.  Today we watched this video and read the book It's Okay to be Different. We will continue reading Todd's books for the next few weeks.

In Math today I introduced the concept of "one more," through 'math stairs.' Making a stair of cubes going from 1-10.  After discussing what we noticed students practiced the language of "one more than ___ is ___," and we played a game where we rolled the dice and told the number that was one more. 

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