Monday, November 28, 2016

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a wonderful week and Thanksgiving if your family celebrates.  Today was a wonderful Monday in Kindergarten.  We began our day by talking about what we notice about the illustrations in Todd Parr's books.  Kindergarten noticed that Parr uses bright colors and does the outline of his pictures in black.  We used this as inspiration for some art work this morning during Play.

During Math we worked on building Math stairs and discussing what we notice when we count backwards from 10 to 1.  We then used the language of "one less" to identify the number that comes before when shown a numeral.  We will continue to work on "one less" this week before moving on to our next Math Module on 2D and 3D shapes.

For Reader's Workshop I read the book It's Okay to Make Mistakes by Todd Parr and observed students taking on this language right away in the classroom.  It's important to understand that it's okay to make mistakes and that this is what helps us to learn and grow!  Two new stations were introduced: "Rhyme Time" where students match pictures that rhyme and an alphabet game: "Race to the Top" where students roll a letter dice and practice writing letters.  Whichever letter is rolled the most 'wins!'

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Happy Monday!