Tuesday, November 8, 2016

We are writers!

This morning we extended our writer's workshop time.  We spent a lot of time thinking about how characters are drawn in books.  Kindergarten is easily able to spot Peter in Ezra Jack Keat's books because his skin color, his hair and his clothes typically look the same.  Some Kindergarteners also noticed that in different books Peter is wearing different clothes so it must be a different day.  We connected this knowledge from our mentor texts to our own writing thinking about making the people we write about look as realistic as possible.  Kindergarten then had time to work on their own stories focusing on drawing people how they look.

During Math we worked on number writing, matching ten frames to numerals and then switched classes from 10:30-11:00 like we did last week.  Kindergarteners who worked with me worked on Making Ten with a partner.

During Reader's Workshop our book was Apartment 3 by Ezra Jack Keats.  The main character in this book, Sam was trying to 'solve the mystery' of which apartment the harmonica was coming from.  After Reader's Workshop it was time for Library and then some more outside time on this beautiful day!

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