Thursday, September 6, 2018

A busy Thursday!

The day started out rainy but we were glad to see the sun at the end of the day!  We started the day by having some inside play and then going to Music with Ms. Schwerin.  After Music I read the book 3 Little Firefighters.  The little firefighters in the story were having trouble finding buttons for their jacks that matched.  They had to sort through the buttons to find ones that worked.  They could sort by color, shape or size and ultimately decided to choose 4 buttons that were large, medium and small for their jackets.  We then looked at a group of objects and discussed how we could sort by color, size, length, animal or not an animal.  We will continue working on sorting and matching in math over the next few weeks. 

During Writing I shared some books that last years' kindergarteners wrote and read Mama Elizabeti the second book in the series about Elizabeti.  Tomorrow we are going to take a look at a map to find Tanzania, Africa where the story takes place! 

Students also went to PE and then we had a conversation about what we all need to do in order to be sure that we can all learn, play, have fun and get smarter this year.  We decided two big ideas: be kind and listen to anybody who is talking.  Lots of students said listen to the teacher and while this is important it's equally as important to listen to anyone in our classroom who has thoughts to share. 


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