Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tuesday in the Trees

Today was our first Tuesday in the Trees!  We visited the Woods with Mrs. Tourin's class.  Today we did a nature walk and learned where the boundaries, or stopping points, are.  Students also worked with a partner to check off different things that they saw in the woods.  Students then had a few minutes to play and explore before we ended with a closing meeting on our meeting log.  Every week I will take a picture from our meeting spot and we will discuss how the woods change over time.  When we returned to the classroom students shared what they noticed about the woods this week and I added their words with text.  Each week we can look back at this and notice how things change.

Students were also excited that some more Sally the dog books arrived in our classroom today!  Today I read Sally Gets a Job.  The series is becoming a classroom favorite. 

After PE I read Lines that Wiggle and students tried making letters with big lines, little lines, big curves and little curves and play dough. 


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