Monday, September 24, 2018

We are weather watchers!

On Friday I opened up our Art Easel and students enjoyed painting on the easel.

Today we started Literacy Stations during Reader's Workshop.  Students are placed in groups and for now will have one station they move to each day.  Today students used mini black boards to practice letters we have learned so far: s, a, t, i, p, n, made letters with play dough, read books from our class library and used iPads.  Students will go to one station a day and will get to all of them by the end of the week.  A new iPad app we are using this year is the Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds App.  It is an app you need to pay for but I think that it is worth the price!  It moves through the letter sounds as we are learning them and students practice forming the letter, choosing the sound and then blending words.  

This afternoon we also started Artist Writer's Workshop combining writing and our first science unit on weather.  We watched a Mystery Science video were we learned that when we talk about weather we want to think about whether it is sunny or cloudy, how we dress if it's hot, warm, cool or cold, if it is dry, rainy or snowy or if it is windy or not.  A lot to consider as weather watchers!  I read the book A Letter to Amy and students experimented with water color paints to paint a storm sky. 

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