Tuesday, September 4, 2018

First Full Day of Kindergarten!

Today was an awesome first full day of Kindergarten!  Believe it or not the day flew by.  We started the day outside and then came in for morning meeting and our first Jolly Phonics Lesson.  Jolly Phonics is a new phonics program that we are piloting this year.  It is a fun, multisensory program that focuses on teaching the 42 letter sounds.  Our letter sound today was /s/ "s."  If you are looking for more information on Jolly Phonics you can find it here: https://www.jollylearning.co.uk/jolly-phonics/.

We started our math block by talking about how our brains are muscles and that the more we challenge ourselves the stronger our brain gets!  We watched this video to learn more about this idea:

Today was the first day Kindergarten ate lunch in the cafeteria.  It is a work in progress following through the lunch line but Kindergarten was happy to learn that every Tuesday is pizza day!

After lunch we had some quiet writing and drawing time and then I introduced writer's workshop.  I read the book The Ugly Vegetables by Grace Lin and discussed how writers write about things they know and love.  Grace Lin wrote about growing chinese vegetables with her mom because it is something that she knows a lot about.  Before Kindergarten begins writing and drawing we will work on orally telling stories because we all have stories to tell!

Yesterday was my birthday and other teachers brought in a special treat to for Kindergarten to celebrate and enjoy :)


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