Tuesday, September 11, 2018

We were glad that the rain stopped and were able to get out to recess this morning!  During Math today we played a game: Pop!  Our "pop number" today was 3.  We counted around the circle from 1-5 and when someone said 3 they 'popped' up.  The game is over when everyone is standing.  We then did a picture sort with items that you would wear or use during sunny, snowy and rainy weather.  We reviewed the sounds we have learned so far: s, a and t and learned that knowing these sounds allows us to write/read the words sat and at.

This afternoon students went to PE and we practiced what it looks and sounds like to choose and read a book.  Students also drew a picture of something they can do to be kind.  Some things students drew were: giving my sister a hug, giving my dog a bath, listening to a story, and sharing toys with classmates.


  1. Thank you for these updates! Love seeing what you guys are up to.

  2. Of course glad you are enjoying them :)


Happy Monday!